Former anaesthetist at the E Maternidade Hospital De Porto Franco -MA (public). He has taught forensic medicine at the Faculties of Law and Medicine of the Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antônio Carlos (ITPAC) of Araguaína and the Catholic College Dom Orione. In the history of institutions (sensu lato), they are essentially measured by their objectives and their actual realization. Another way to evaluate an institution is its existence over time. What time can we talk about in the ABMLPM, the time spent, that is, 2011, the year of its constitution, or the time counted in the history of the Brazilian Society of Forensic Medicine, or the time related to the Brazilian Society of Medical Expertise? Of course, we are referring to the time of the ABMLPM, that is, from April 2011. You will find more information on the ABMLPM website, where you will find the founding protocol of our institution. Why do we talk about the weather? Now, time is “the number of the previous-posterior relationship,” as one of the founders of Western civilization, Aristotle, taught us 2500 years ago. The average coroner`s salary varies, but earnings can be considered significant. After specialization, the professional earns on average between 6 and 10,000 reais.

Over time, experience and depending on the position held, these limits may exceed the margin of R$20,000. Technical Director of the Institute of Medical Law of Araguaína-TO. Specialist Diploma in Forensic Medicine – Brazilian Society of Forensic Medicine (2004). Active member of the ABMLPM ( forensic medicine will be, according to our interviewee, the discipline of the medical course, which helps the professional to defend himself against possible legal medical problems and brings the stay as a difference, a study that is conducted during the 03 years of the program, with the learning of medical expertise not only in forensic medicine, but in other areas such as social security is This was due to the possibility of knowing toxicology, orthopedics and traumatology more deeply, but focused on medico-legal purposes in living people and cadavers. The specialization in Forensic Medicine has a total duration of 480 hours, which equates to approximately 12 months of study, time required to complete the 12 disciplines taught in the course. Forensic medicine is a medical specialty that uses technical-scientific knowledge to cooperate in the implementation of justice. It helps clarify relevant facts in a legal dispute. The Forensic Medicine course, aimed exclusively at healthcare professionals, aims to introduce participants to key concepts and practices in the field and enable them to act as advisors or services directly related to the daily life of forensic pathology. In Brazil today, we have only a few residency services in forensic medicine and medical expertise, and our interlocutor provided a comprehensive overview of the subject, including the fact that faculties are removing the discipline of forensic medicine from the medical course curriculum, a fact detrimental to the student who does not have the opportunity to acquire this knowledge, And this leads to the fact that a doctor, once appointed, performs the function. Ad hoc experts must perform a skill effectively, for example on a corpse, without having the minimum of knowledge. This is scary because due to the local shortage, the doctor refuses the sanctions that may be imposed on him.

Dr. Carlos Lemes holds a medical degree from the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (Uberaba-MG-1985), a medical residency in anesthesiology from this Anesthesiology from the Escola Hospital da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (Uberaba-MG). Forensic medicine is one of the oldest medical specialties. He was officially and legally born in Germany in 1507 with the promulgation of the Code of Bamberg. This code defined forensic pathology as a science capable of providing technical evidence of a medical nature in support of the law. Forensic medicine is widely used in jurisprudence, whether in criminal, civil sciences or labour sciences, and assists in the enforcement of laws and ensures compliance with their social and cultural regulations. Coroner`s remuneration varies greatly and depends on his or her field of practice. However, in general, it is possible to reach an average of 6 to 10 thousand reais. But this value does not stagnate for long when the professional gets involved. The technology, infrastructure and equipment of the rotations where the resident physician conducts a rotation under the supervision of the Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical Ethics, Social and Occupational Medicine are used. This time can be represented geometrically by a straight segment that starts in 2011 and advances. In this way, there is a front and a rear in our historical reality.

The residency in forensic medicine and medical expertise is the most comprehensive and safe option for the academic training of medical experts, its program is able to provide a complete medical knowledge of the different fields of medicine, in addition to the necessary rights for the coroner and specialist. Program – Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical Ethics and Social and Occupational Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine (FM) of SHU, the only one in the country to have a medical residency in forensic pathology and medical expertise. The Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) and the Joint Specialty Committee noted that some branches of medicine did not have medical residency training, such as forensic pathology and FM was the only one that could offer residency, it has 15 residents from the age of 3. The Department of Forensic Medicine has been recognized as the 10th in the field of research on this topic and maintains partnerships with universities in the United States, Norway and England. The professional also specializes in certain concepts of law, biology, sociology, chemistry and ballistics. As for the theoretical part, he usually spends a lot of time studying the legislation on expert work and, in particular, the code of medical ethics. In these areas, the coroner`s activities are diverse. For example, if you are in the civil field, this professional will work with compensation for physical injury (medical error), annulment of a legal act (marriage), prohibition, prejudice to third parties and accountability. It takes three years in forensic medicine and medical expertise.

In addition, a specialization in occupational medicine, gynecology and obstetrics, and public health, and investing in knowledge of law, biology and ballistics can help you become a coroner. The minimum theoretical program includes: legal concepts: criminal law and criminal procedure, civil law and civil procedure law, labor law and specific legislation, forensic expertise, medico-legal documents, bioethics, pathology and physiology of work, scientific methodology, forensics. This is an area that focuses on forensics, including conducting body examinations and inspections and analysis of cadavers. Therefore, it differs from other areas of medicine that work with diagnosis, patient treatment and health promotion. Another aspect of the activity is to work or be hired as an official expert as a servant of the country`s judiciary. The first position is accepted when a public call for tenders is organized. It includes criminal experts who are at the Institute of Criminalistics (IC), forensic pathologists who are those of the IML and medical experts from the INSS who carry out activities in the Institute itself. The first case is when he holds a position after approval in a public call for tenders. The official experts are forensic doctors, criminal experts and medical experts of the INSS.

Forensic pathologists work at the Institute of Forensic Medicine (IML), criminal experts at the Institute of Criminalistics (IC) and experts from the INS exercise their expertise mainly in the institute itself. Do you know what forensic pathology is? Among the different specialties of the region, believe me, it is one of the oldest. Finally, before making their conclusions, it becomes possible to know whether a fact can be considered a crime. A lot of responsibility for the professional, right? As you can see, the main area of forensic medicine is medical expertise. It is divided into the following sectors: The course is delivered 100% online so that students can access teaching materials at the time and place. This allows you to study via the digital platform with integrated content and be made available in multi-formats. Need help with this mission? So take advantage of having yourself here and check out the content we have prepared below to clarify all your questions and find out if this specialty is really right for you! The main objective of the residency in forensic medicine is to train high-level specialists to deal with the shortage of professionals in this medical field, that is, to train a type of professional capable of acting in the different segments that make up forensic medicine, with the aim of solving justice problems in the expert field, such as the lack of competent medical experts, with the ability to conduct expertise in more than one medical specialty. Investment: 13 installments of R$ 1,800.00, the first at the time of registration. It is important to note that graduate studies are not intended to replace medical residency. The goal is to provide quality education to those who want to work with forensic pathology but do not have access or intend to go through the resident journey. Therefore, it is associated with great scientific discoveries, since the use of technology is frequent and thanks to it, professionals are able to develop new methods and materials.